Where I’ve Been…

July 20, 2023

Welp, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here – the last time being before the pandemic – or plandemic for you conspiracy theorists.  In any case, I’ve been doing streaming content for YT, Rumble, etc which has been reviving my video/audio creativity game.  Since the type of content I’m doing streaming wise is somewhat sensitive to the degree that I get the shadow ban treatment – I’m not going to discuss the nature of that content here.  As well, I would like to keep this blog and possible associated streaming side of things separate as much as possible.  But as far as Dkoolgeek – I plan to continue with the type of content which has been previously posted on this blog.

I don’t know about anyone else, but the world I am now blogging in is fully different from the past world.  In many ways it’s scary in a profound way.  And as well, it’s stunning how rapidly the world has become drastically different since my last post in 2019.  I mean, it’s almost like the type of thing which happens to a person if they take off into space at FTL speeds – only to return to an Earth that’s changed in every possible way.  The world has drastically changed and I have drastically changed along with it.

Anyway, even though my streaming work requires a lot of writing/research for the purpose of scripting – I have been hankering to write blog wise again.  Heck, I’m even considering writing a book or two to get published.  We’ll see.

I plan to post about once or twice a month until I can get some other aspects of my current life sorted out – it is what it is.  But nevertheless – I’m back…