Be Civil On Black Friday

November 22, 2009

Last year an employee (Jdimytai Damour) at a Long Island Walmart was trampled to death in a black Friday stampede. Mr. Damour’s death was tragic and needless. Tragic in the fact that the crowd of over 2000 impatient customers became like animals. Needless because Mr. Damour died for nothing.

Having worked in retail before, I have seen how the holiday season brings out the worst in people. It always seemed to me that the shoppers let their anger and rage build up over the year – and then let it release on on black Friday. As this year has been a bad one economically, most likely there will be a ton of angry shoppers ready and willing to fight over something like a laptop computer.

Which gets me back to Mr. Damour’s death last year. Mr. Damour died because the people in that crowd lost sight of who they were as human beings. More so, the value of whatever that crowd was attempting to get was placed over the value of Mr. Damour’s life.

Mr. Damour’s death was shocking, outrageous and again needless. There is no item, no matter what it is, that has a value greater than a human being’s life.

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