So far this year has had some whopper sized, “give me a break” lies.  Take for instance, Hillary Clinton and that personal email server.  Or Creflo Dollar and his 64 million dollar luxury jet.  Now it’s Walmart suddenly closing six super center stores due to plumbing problems.

Each  of the aforementioned cases would be laughable if they were just a casual April fool’s joke or something.  But they are not.  In Hillary’s case, she lied about giving over the contents of the server to the government.  Instead Hillary wiped the hard drives of the server so that no one can have access to the data therein.  Some are saying this is just an innocent mistake – but others are saying it’s all an effort to do CYA.

In  Creflo’s case, he lied about wanting a new luxury jet for ministry – err – private use.  This is because when the fires of social media backlash came licking at Creflo’s door, he lied about the plane being for private use.  The plane, a Gulf Stream 650, was to be used to carry tons (100,000 pounds or so) of food to impoverished areas of the world.  The only problem is that a Gulf Stream 650 can’t carry that amount of cargo – cause it wouldn’t be able to take off.

Now we come to Walmart which suddenly closed six stores yesterday evening, 04/14/15, due to  plumbing problems.  Even worse is that the affected stores will be closed for about six months due to the issues.  Really?  Forgive me if I call bravo sierra on this.  I mean really?  You mean to tell me that a multi billion dollar corporation is going to allow six stores to close down for six months due to plumbing issues?  Really?  Nope, not buying that for one moment.  I have worked for companies ranging from small stores to multi billion dollar corporations.  None of the aforementioned closed stores or facilities when they had to repair or install infrastructure of any type.  They just kept on going, business as usual, until the work was completed. Any employees or customers who complained were told to just suck up.

This all leads me to the question – what else is going on at Walmart?  Put it this way,  in the two other cases I cited before Walmart, it’s pretty clear as to the reason why the lie happened.  In Hillary’s case, it’s obvious that she doesn’t want the truth about issues like Benghazi to come out.  In Creflo’s case, he wants members of his church to keep him in high flying luxury.  But Walmart, it’s not so obvious as to what’s going on.  It could be anything from deep financial trouble at Wally World to the ultra high, ultra  black conspiracy theories floating around the Net lately.  One can only speculate at this point.  However, one thing is for sure – Walmart is lying about what is truly going on.

Do you think Walmart is lying about what is truly going on?  Leave a comment.

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